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Application Programming Interface (API), Case Study Of DjangoRest Framework.


API, or application programming interface, are rules that allow different applications to communicate with each other. It acts as an intermediary layer that processes data transfers between systems, letting companies open their application data and functionality to external third-party developers, business partners, and internal departments within their companies.

In a Layman explanation. Let’s say I am a developer A, I developed a website and a developer B somewhere wanted to develop his website with some functionalities and information available in my website, I can either give him my source code or access to my database. But both of this ways are not exactly safe as such, the most suitable way for me is to develop APIs on my website, as such I can share him endpoints to those APIs that I made on my website. And In his end, he will be able to communicate with my website and get access to authorized information, functionalities from my website without having to access my source code or Database.

Explanation of API to a five Year Old. Assume you have a toy box with your toys inside. An API is like a helper that help and make it easier for you to get toys from the toy box, you can ask the helper to get you a specific toy and the helper will reach into the box and get it for you.

Now imagine your friend want to play with your toys, you can still ask the helper to reach into the toy box and get the same toys for your friends that you have approved (authorized).

That’s what APIs does for websites and apps, it make them share information with each other just like you and your friend sharing toys.


The working principle of an API is commonly expressed through the request-response communication between a client and a server. The client is any front-end application that a user interacts with. The server is in charge of backend logic and database operations. In this scenario, an API works as a middle layer between the client and the server, making it possible to send data requests and responses.



Many frame works allows for building APIs for your web applications, but Django REST framework is popular, flexible and convenient in many ways and offers advantages such as:

1.     BUILT ONTOP OF DJANGO:  if you are already familiar with Django then using Django REST framework is easier as it leverage Django’s ORM, authentication and other components.

2.     Well documented and widely used: Django REST framework is well-documented and has a large community making it easier to find resources and support for building your API.

3.     Feature Rich: Django REST framework provide a lot of feature and out-of-the-box features such as serialization, request parsing, query parameter, pagination, and more which can save lots of times and efforts in building APIs

4.     Customizable: The library is highly customizable, allowing you to override its behavior to fit the specific requirements of your API

Want to get started with Django REST framework ???  drop some comments, and I’ll drop it soon



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