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How To Become A T-shirt Designer in Minutes, Make Extra $3000+ Monthly, By Selling Your Designs.[2023]

Etsy is a popular online marketplace that specializes in handmade and vintage goods, and it's a great place to sell your designs as a merch designer. If you have a talent for creating unique and eye-catching designs, there is a huge market for you on Etsy. Here's how to make money as a merch designer on Etsy. Etsy as a marketplace is a hub where people can upload their designed shirts, cups, toys etc, for sale. Whenever there's an order for any of your design, Etsy takes the pain of manufacturing your designed shirts, and ship it to the customers. A lot of designers makes over $5000 monthly using this model.

In my quest to make this model easy and usable for everyone including pro designers and newbies, and those who has no experience at all, I've found a way for complete beginners to make this simple t-shirt designs and post them on Etsy, and make money as well. This method is by using Canva. 

As a merch designer and fashion designer, you may want to take advantage of the power of digital tools to create and sell your designs. One of the most popular and user-friendly graphic design tools is Canva, which can help you create stunning and eye-catching designs for your clothes. In this blog post, we will explore how you can use Canva to design your clothes and sell them on, the largest online marketplace for handmade and vintage items.

Step 1: Choose a Template

Canva offers a variety of templates that you can use as a starting point for your design. These templates are customizable, so you can make them your own by changing the colors, fonts, images, and other elements. To find a template, simply go to Canva's homepage and type "clothing design" in the search bar. You will see a list of templates that you can use for your project.



Step 2: Customize the Template

Once you have chosen a template, it's time to start customizing it to your liking. You can use Canva's drag-and-drop editor to add your own images, text, and elements. You can also use the tool's vast library of graphic elements, like shapes, lines, and icons, to enhance your design.

Step 3: Add Your Text

One of the most important elements of your clothing design is the text. You can use Canva's text editor to add your brand name, product name, and other relevant information. You can also choose from a variety of fonts, colors, and styles to make your text stand out.

Step 4: Save and Export Your Design

Once you are satisfied with your design, it's time to save and export it. You can save your design in Canva's cloud-based storage or export it as a PNG, JPG, or PDF file. This will allow you to use your design for various purposes, including printing it on a t-shirt, hoodie, or any other clothing item.

Step 5: Create Your Etsy Shop

Etsy is the largest online marketplace for handmade and vintage items, and it's a great platform to sell your clothing designs. To create your Etsy shop, simply go to and sign up for a seller account. You will be prompted to create your shop and add your first listing.

Step 6: Upload Your Design

After you have created your Etsy shop, you can start uploading your designs to the website. To do this, simply go to your shop dashboard, click on the "Listings" tab, and then click on "Add a listing." You will be asked to provide the details of your product, such as the name, description, price, and images. You can use the images of your designs that you exported from Canva to showcase your products.

Step 7: Promote Your Shop

Once you have uploaded your designs, you proceed to promote your shop. You can use different social media platforms like Instagram, Pintrest, and Twitter to enbable you a wider audience. You can also use  run targeted ads to your potential customers, using tools like Google AdWords, Facebook Ads etc.

Here are few designers on Etsy who has been able to make hundreds on thousands of dollars, from uploading simple t-shirt designs. 

In conclusion, using Canva to design your clothes and sell them on is a great way to start your fashion business. Canva's user-friendly interface and vast library of graphic elements make it easy to create eye-catching designs, while Etsy's massive online community provides you with a platform to showcase and sell your designs. 

I'm always available to answer any questions via the comment section. 


Application Programming Interface (API), Case Study Of DjangoRest Framework.


API, or application programming interface, are rules that allow different applications to communicate with each other. It acts as an intermediary layer that processes data transfers between systems, letting companies open their application data and functionality to external third-party developers, business partners, and internal departments within their companies.

In a Layman explanation. Let’s say I am a developer A, I developed a website and a developer B somewhere wanted to develop his website with some functionalities and information available in my website, I can either give him my source code or access to my database. But both of this ways are not exactly safe as such, the most suitable way for me is to develop APIs on my website, as such I can share him endpoints to those APIs that I made on my website. And In his end, he will be able to communicate with my website and get access to authorized information, functionalities from my website without having to access my source code or Database.

Explanation of API to a five Year Old. Assume you have a toy box with your toys inside. An API is like a helper that help and make it easier for you to get toys from the toy box, you can ask the helper to get you a specific toy and the helper will reach into the box and get it for you.

Now imagine your friend want to play with your toys, you can still ask the helper to reach into the toy box and get the same toys for your friends that you have approved (authorized).

That’s what APIs does for websites and apps, it make them share information with each other just like you and your friend sharing toys.


The working principle of an API is commonly expressed through the request-response communication between a client and a server. The client is any front-end application that a user interacts with. The server is in charge of backend logic and database operations. In this scenario, an API works as a middle layer between the client and the server, making it possible to send data requests and responses.



Many frame works allows for building APIs for your web applications, but Django REST framework is popular, flexible and convenient in many ways and offers advantages such as:

1.     BUILT ONTOP OF DJANGO:  if you are already familiar with Django then using Django REST framework is easier as it leverage Django’s ORM, authentication and other components.

2.     Well documented and widely used: Django REST framework is well-documented and has a large community making it easier to find resources and support for building your API.

3.     Feature Rich: Django REST framework provide a lot of feature and out-of-the-box features such as serialization, request parsing, query parameter, pagination, and more which can save lots of times and efforts in building APIs

4.     Customizable: The library is highly customizable, allowing you to override its behavior to fit the specific requirements of your API

Want to get started with Django REST framework ???  drop some comments, and I’ll drop it soon



How To Make Money on Amazon KDP in 2023: Explanation of Registration Steps, and Some Professional Tips For Newbies.

Amazon KDP allows you to self-publish eBooks, paperbacks, and hardcover books for free, and earn in dollars. Authors are given direct access to their book on Amazon, and allow authors to create a product detail page for their book. It also gives authors the option to expand their book’s availability on a global scale, making it more accessible for readers around the world. 

Top Earner Authors makes as much as $10,000 per month as a revenue from Amazon. This can be done by anybody, who has the zeal to sell online. 

Create an Amazon account
The first step to publishing a book on Amazon KDP is to create an Amazon account if you don't already have one. Go to the Amazon website and click on the "Create your Amazon account" button. Fill in the required information and follow the steps to create your account.

Log in to KDP
Once you have created an Amazon account, log in to Amazon KDP using your Amazon account credentials.

Set up your KDP account
After logging in to KDP, you'll be asked to set up your account by providing some basic information about yourself, such as your name and address.

Prepare your book
Before you can publish your book on Amazon KDP, you need to prepare it by writing and editing the content, designing the cover, and converting the file into an appropriate format, such as .mobi or .pdf.

Upload your book
To upload your book to KDP, click on the "Bookshelf" button and then the "Add new title" button. Fill in the required information, such as the book title, description, and keywords, and then select the file that you want to upload.

Preview your book
After uploading your book, you can preview it on different devices to make sure that it looks the way you want it to.

Set the book's pricing and distribution
Next, you'll need to set the pricing for your book and choose how you want it to be distributed. You can choose to distribute your book globally or limit it to certain countries.

Publish your book
When you are ready, click on the "Publish your Kindle eBook" button to make your book available for sale on Amazon.

Here are some tips for making money on Amazon KDP:

Choose the right book topic

The first step in making money on Amazon KDP is to choose a book topic that is both marketable and in demand. This can be anything from a self-help guide to a cookbook, a children's story to a novel, or even a memoir or travelogue. Do your research and see what types of books are popular in your genre and what customers are looking for.

Create high-quality content

Once you have chosen a topic, the next step is to create high-quality content that will engage and educate your readers. This can involve researching your topic thoroughly, writing and editing your book, and adding illustrations, images, or other multimedia elements to enhance the reading experience.

Optimize your book for Amazon

To make the most money on Amazon KDP, you need to optimize your book for the platform. This includes selecting keywords that describe your book and target the right audience, choosing the right book format and file type, and providing a clear and concise book description.

Price your book competitively

Setting the right price for your book is crucial to making money on Amazon KDP. While you want to price your book competitively, you also want to ensure that you are making a profit. Consider the cost of production, the length and quality of your book, and the prices of similar books in your genre when determining the right price for your book.

Promote your book

Finally, you need to promote your book to reach as many potential readers as possible. This can involve using social media, online book communities, and email marketing to reach your target audience, as well as offering special promotions, discounts, and other incentives to entice readers to buy your book.

It's important to note that once your book is published on Amazon KDP, it will be subject to Amazon's terms and conditions, and you'll need to follow their guidelines for content and formatting. Additionally, you'll need to keep track of your sales and royalty payments through the KDP dashboard.

In conclusion, publishing a book on Amazon KDP is a straightforward process that can be done by anyone with a passion for writing and a desire to share their knowledge or creative work with the world. By following these steps, you can turn your dream of being a published author into a reality.


Reasons Why New Sellers on Fiverr Finds It Hard to Get Orders: 7 Professional Tips to Solve This Problem.

Fiverr is one of the topmost and leading marketplace for freelancing services in the world, ranging from services in categories like Graphics and Design, Writing and Translation, Digital Marketing, Video and Animation, Music and Audio, Programming and Tech, Business, Lifestyle etc. 


New Fiverr sellers with no reviews and comment attached to their profile usually finds it hard to get orders on Fiverr. As a top rated Fiverr seller, i decided to put out this article to help sellers who are finding it hard to get their first client and order

Here are brief summary of some of the reasons why it may take a long time for a new seller to receive an order on Fiverr.  

1. Competition: There are many other sellers on Fiverr offering similar services, so it can be difficult for a new seller to stand out.

2. Lack of visibility: New sellers may not have a strong profile or portfolio, making it harder for potential buyers to find them.

3. Pricing: If a new seller’s prices are too high compared to others in the same category, they may struggle to attract buyers. On the other hand, if they price their services too low, they may not make enough money to sustain their business.

4. Quality of Service: New sellers may not have refined their skills or perfected their work processes, resulting in lower quality services.

5. Poor marketing strategies: A lack of understanding of how to effectively market their services can lead to a slow growth in sales.

6. Time zone differences: If a new seller is based in a different time zone than their target market, it may be difficult to respond to inquiries and complete orders in a timely manner.

7. Slow response time: Buyers expect quick responses when they reach out to sellers. If a new seller is slow to respond, they may miss out on potential orders.

In order to overcome these challenges, new sellers on Fiverr can take several steps to increase their visibility and attract more orders. 
These steps may include:

2. Refining their profile and portfolio: A professional-looking profile and portfolio can help new sellers stand out from the competition.

3. Offering competitive prices: A good starting point for new sellers is to research the average prices for their services and adjust their pricing accordingly.

4. Improving the quality of their services: Practice makes perfect, and the more a seller practices their craft, the better their services will become.

5. Marketing their services effectively: Utilizing social media, email marketing, and other tactics can help new sellers reach a wider audience.

6. Being responsive: Quickly responding to buyer inquiries and completing orders in a timely manner can help build a positive reputation and attract repeat business.

7. Networking with other sellers: Collaborating with other sellers and exchanging tips and advice can help new sellers improve their skills and attract more orders.

In conclusion, while it may take some time for a new seller to get their first order on Fiverr, these are steps they can take to increase their chances of success. By refining their profile, offering competitive prices, improving their services, and marketing effectively, new sellers can start attracting more orders and growing their business on Fiverr.


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